Thursday, October 9, 2008

Here is one last picture of my new little grand daughter. She had a very brief turn here on earth, but she made a big impact on her family. She passed away in her mothers arms on 9/14/08. Her funeral was one of the sweetest I've ever attended. The Spirit was so incredibly strong there in the room. Her uncle wrote a beautiful poem about her and read it in the meeting. Another wrote a song for her and it was sung for us also. As far as I can tell, Joshua and Danielle are hanging in there. You never think that anyone you love will have to go through something like losing a child. It has been a very difficult and life altering experience for Josh and Danielle, well, probably for everyone. Tender feelings and emotions stirred, hearts opened, tears have flowed and testimonies have grown. As for myself, I cannot express how much my own testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been cherished through all of this. I cannot imagine going through such a thing without it. To know where Kaybree has gone and that we can see her and be with her again brings such peace. Cherish your little ones today. Hug them. Hold them. Time with them can be so brief and then it's gone, whether through death, or just through them growing up.
I know that our Heavenly Father knows us- each of us individually and that He loves us. What peace and joy that knowledge brings!
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kaybree's blessing day

Here is little Kaybree on the day that she was blessed. Doesn't she look beautiful? She is held by her Daddy, Joshua. Joshua and Danielle invited us to be there for her blessing. There wasn't a lot of room in the little room they gave them to use, so they couldn't invite everyone they would have liked to have invited. I felt priviledged to be able to be there and be a part of that. As you might be able to see, Kaybree is still at Primary Children's Medical Center and she is on a ventilator. Our little angel was getting worse instead of better. They had been waiting to bless her after she got out of the hospital. When they found out that she probably wasn't going to be getting better and going home, they decided to go ahead with her blessing.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Here is Kaybree as a newborn. I believe it was taken the day after she was born. Look at all of her hair! It felt just like feathers! BTW, she was born July 14, 2008!

Kaybree and I

Here is picture of me and my little Granddaughter, Kaybree Sheron Jablonski. She is about 2 weeks old in this picture. I promised to get some pics posted and I'm finally doing it. It takes me longer since I don't have a digital camera yet.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I thought I'd add a few pictures of Joshua through the years. He was born in March of 1987 and I had the wonderful opportunity of becoming his Mom in 1991 when he was a very active 4 year old. I had that privilege until he was 10 when his dad and I divorced. He has continued to include me in his life, however, and that brings me great joy. I was there for his H.S Graduation spring of 2006 and for his wedding August 4, 2007. He even called me for Mother's Day this year and I can't even tell you how good that made me feel. He and his wife Danielle are expecting their first child, a daughter, on July 22nd. Believe you me, I'll be posting some of those photos as soon as I have some! It has been such a blessing being able to be a Mom to Joshua. I learned so much and he has added so much to my life. I'm thankful Heavenly Father gave that chance to me.

Monday, May 19, 2008

New job

It has been forever since I last posted. Even though this is fun to do, I just don't have the time to do it often. I am again in the middle of a night shift. Very tired. Eyes burning. Hives on my hands, feet, shoulders. I'm wishing for my bed. Tomorrow, I start orienting at my new job. (well, it's tonight, now) I didn't get the day job that I was hoping for, so instead, I accepted one of the night shift charge nurse positions that was offered to me. I ended up taking the one closest to home. With these gas prices, it will be nice to have 2 shifts per week automatically close enough that I could walk or bike if I wanted to. Besides, the closer one also was able to allow me to work 8 hour shifts instead of 12 hour shifts. That is good for me right now. (though I think I'll try a couple of orientation shifts that are 12 hour just to see how they go.) I'm kind of excited to try this new challenge. It's not what I wanted, but it should be better than what I'm currently doing. I'm hoping it won't wear me out so much. Still, there will be much to learn. I haven't been an RN for that long and I will be responsible for all kinds of things that maybe I haven't had much experience with yet. It's all good, though. It will be a good experience for me, I hope. Ok, I have to get back to work.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I added some pics today

Ok, this is fun. I added a few pics today to make my site here more interesting. When I have more time, I want to explore more and see what fun I can have. It seems like a fun way to stay up on friends and family. And a fun way to let others stay up on me and my family.
David and I tried out the new bubble blower that he got for his birthday today. We love to play with bubbles! Also, I cut his hair. It was needing it. It gets so thick and unruly looking as it grows out. He looks handsome with it short and it bring out his eyes more. I like it! I think I did a pretty decent job on it! Wish I had pics to post. Ah, those of you with digital cameras that work must have fun with that.


A gal at work was showing me how to do this. I think it will be fun to try. I'm at work right now and oh so tired. I can't quit yawning. These night shifts are killing me slowly.
Speaking of work, I've applied for a new job and I'm supposed to find out if I get it next week. I'm needing a change and this new job would definately be a change. I would really like to try this new job and it's driving me nuts wondering if I'm going to get it or not. It's an office job.
M-F 0800-1630. That in itself is different. It's funny, I've never considered myself a morning person, and yet I'm way excited about the possibility of getting this new job. I wonder what's up with that! I'm getting tired of regular hospital floor nursing, but have never done anything but direct patient care since graduating back in 1987! I love the idea of having a different kind of job that still uses my degree. (I worked long and hard for that degree!) The older I get, the more I'm thinking that the direct patient care is for the 20-somethings. It's wearing me out! Gotta run and take care of my patients! I'll post again soon!

first post

Just trying this out guys!