It has been forever since I last posted. Even though this is fun to do, I just don't have the time to do it often. I am again in the middle of a night shift. Very tired. Eyes burning. Hives on my hands, feet, shoulders. I'm wishing for my bed. Tomorrow, I start orienting at my new job. (well, it's tonight, now) I didn't get the day job that I was hoping for, so instead, I accepted one of the night shift charge nurse positions that was offered to me. I ended up taking the one closest to home. With these gas prices, it will be nice to have 2 shifts per week automatically close enough that I could walk or bike if I wanted to. Besides, the closer one also was able to allow me to work 8 hour shifts instead of 12 hour shifts. That is good for me right now. (though I think I'll try a couple of orientation shifts that are 12 hour just to see how they go.) I'm kind of excited to try this new challenge. It's not what I wanted, but it should be better than what I'm currently doing. I'm hoping it won't wear me out so much. Still, there will be much to learn. I haven't been an RN for that long and I will be responsible for all kinds of things that maybe I haven't had much experience with yet. It's all good, though. It will be a good experience for me, I hope. Ok, I have to get back to work.